Track Tuesday
Paddington Recreation Ground 6.30pm meet trackside.
The session varies but everyone will be doing the same workout. If you’re new to running the workout maybe broken down to accommodate.
There is access to lockers inside the main building for 1 pound otherwise bags can be left trackside at your own risk.
Saturday Social run 5k two locations
8.00am Peckham Library under the library
We meet at 8am, the reason for this is it’s intentional and shows commitment and sauce.
We have no bag drop at our Saturday runs.
Everyone is welcome. No sign up required, just show up!
The Space
We expect you to respect the space, support all runners and provide welcoming and supportive energy. Ldnslct is a third space, all about choosing lifestyle options that are beneficial for you and the people around you. We are here to empower each other through running. We do not tolerate any sort of abuse or intimidation. Please show appreciation to the Photographers and people supporting you.
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